EnartisTan Toffee | Tannins | ENARTIS


EnartisTan TOF

EnartisTan TOF

Formerly EnartisTan Toffee.

  • Ellagic tannins extracted from medium-heavy toasted French oak, aged in open air spaces for minimum two years.
  • Balances redox potential and prevents reductive characters.
  • Increases butterscotch, caramel, toffee and coffee aromas.
  • Improves wine structure, length and softens astringency.

Recommendations: Prevent reductive notes; increase vanilla and toffee aromas; structure; softness.

  • Dosage: 1-15 g/hL (0.08-1.3 lb/1,000 gal)
  • Packaging: 0.5 kg
  • Allergen free
  • Organic Compliant NOP Reg.
  • Vegan

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