White - Enartis

EnartisFerm Q RHO

A strain of Saccharomyces uvarum, EnartisFerm Q RHO has the ability to ferment at low temperatures, produce high amounts of glycerol and phenylethanol (rose aroma), produce a low quantity of volatile acidity, preserve/increase total acidity and have a low alcohol yield.

EnartisFerm Q ET

  • EnartisFerm Q ET is a multipurpose yeast that does not require rehydration.
  • Direct inoculation (EasyTech) saves time and labor and facilitates yeast preparation, but above all, it reduces the risk of mistakes that can compromise a good fermentation process.
  • EnartisFerm Q ET is a varietal strain, good fermenter in a wide temperature range that is well suited to the fermentation of quality white, red and rosé wines.


  • Autolyzed yeast, thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) (0.15%).
  • Supplements must with all nutritional factors necessary for yeast fermentative metabolism: amino acid nitrogen, long chain fatty acids, sterols, vitamins and microelements.
  • Stimulates a regular and complete fermentation leading to the production of wines without defects, flawless both in the mouth and in the nose.
  • Granulated nutrient that is less powdery, easier to dissolve and safer to use.
  • Easytech direct inoculation yeast nutrition.

EnartisFerm Q4

  • Enhances vegetal characteristics of thiolic varieties.
  • Ideal for grassy style Sauvignon Blanc.
  • The main feature of this strain is that it’s a homozygote for the complete, long version of the IRC7 gene. This gene codifies the synthesis of a β-lyase enzyme, uniquely involved in the liberation of thiols (mainly 4-MMP) bound to cysteine.
  • When used for the fermentation of thiolic varieties, EnartisFerm Q4 expresses the varietal aroma and specifically enhances the notes of box tree, tomato leaf and blackcurrant associated with 4-MMP.

Claril SMK

Claril SMK is a new fining agent developed to mitigate the impact of smoke exposure in all types of wine.

Its composition of a selected activated carbon boosted by chitosan and pea protein makes it effective for:

  • Removing compounds associated with smoke taint;
  • Fast clarification of juice or wine, allowing for the removal of the fining material simply by racking;
  • Effective smoke taint removal with very low impact in color and phenolic content even at high addition rates;
  • Restoring fruit character and freshness, as well reducing the “ashy” and bitter aftertaste common in smoke affected wines

Claril SMK does not contain allergenic compounds and is not required to be listed on the label. Additionally, the absence of products of animal origin allows it to be used in the production of wines destined for consumption by vegetarians and vegans.


Click here to download the HIDEKI brochure.

  • Tannin made of molecular fractions obtained through the selection and purification of gallic, ellagic and condensed tannins that are the most effective in terms of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
  • To be used during wine preparation for bottling as a natural and allergen-free replacement for SO2 to protect wine from oxidation and to prevent spoilage by unwanted microorganisms.
  • The combination of different tannins, in terms of composition and structure that are microbiostatic in nature against various pathogens, makes HIDEKI a suitable tool over a wide range of pH values.


EnartisTan FT

A blend of condensed tannins, mainly extracted from fresh, physiologically ripe, white grape seeds. These proanthocyanidinic tannins interact with anthocyanins (the molecules responsible for color in red wines), binding and protecting them from oxidation. The use of EnartisTan FT in the first phases of vinification allows for better development and retention of color over time. When used in both red and white wine, it helps eliminate herbaceousness, highlight fruit characters and freshen aromas.

EnartisTan CIT

A blend of gallic and condensed tannins extracted from exotic species wood. The low temperatures used during the extraction process of the condensed tannin preserve aromatic precursors in the wood that enhances the fruit and floral notes of the resulting wines. These characters are especially evident when paired with high ß-glycosidase activity yeast (EnartisFerm Top Essence, Vintage White, ES181 e QCitrus).

EnartisTan DC

Tannin obtained from French oak with extended seasoning and medium-heavy toast. EnartisTan DC helps integrate tannin and reveal notes of barrels such as chocolate and spice aromas, structure and softness found in barrel-aged wines.


  • Vegan fining agent made from plant protein, chitosan and sodium activated bentonite.
  • Designed for the clarification of white and rosé wines that are meant to be tartrate stabilized with colloid addition (ZENITH and CMC).
  • Effective in improving protein stability and eliminating unstable colloids that can affect wine clarification and filterability.


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