Enartis “Shelf Life Improvement (SLI)” - Strategie - Enartis

Enartis “Shelf Life Improvement (SLI)” – Strategie

In ‘n mark wat toenemend deur groot-handelaars gedomineer word, is op-die-nippertjie bereiding van wyn ‘n algemene uitdaging. Groot versnitte word oor baie maande gebotteleer, klimatologiese veranderinge veroorsaak toenames in pH, afnames in suur en dus word die produksie van wyne met ‘n verkorte rakleeftyd ‘n groot kommer. Die oorsake hiervan sluit ook in sensitiwiteit vir oksidasie en pinking. Maak dus kennis met die Enartis “Shelf Life Improvement” – strategie.

In a market increasingly dominated by large retailers that demand just-in-time production strategies, where large blends of wines are bottled over many months and where climatic changes are causing increases in pH and reduction of acidity, the danger of producing wine with short longevity or sensitive to alterations caused by oxidation like premature ageing and pinking, is becoming a major concern. Discover the Enartis Shelf Life Improvement strategy.



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