Wine fining agents

Wine fining agents are specific products used for the clarification and stabilization of musts during harvest and wines during aging. Clarification is a crucial step in wine production, and enological fining agents can be used for many purposes. For instance, fining agents improve the clarity and filterability of musts and wines, preventing cloudiness and the formation of sediments in the bottle. Additionally, they can correct the color of the wine, eliminate off-odors and flavors, and remove unwanted substances, enhancing the organoleptic profile. Each fining agent has specific properties and reacts with different wine compounds based on its chemical characteristics, molecular weight, and charge. Protein-based fining agents, both of animal and vegetable origin, are particularly effective for these purposes. Natural plant-based protein fining agents are increasingly appreciated for their compatibility with the needs of those seeking sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. Enartis offers a wide range of wine fining agents, which include not only the classic organic fining agents (animal and plant-based proteins) and inorganic ones, but also specific formulations for clarification, must flotation, and selective removal of unwanted compounds. With these enological fining agents, producers can optimize the quality of their wines, meeting specific production and organoleptic needs.

Claril SP

Claril SP is a complex clarifying agent consisting of bentonite, PVPP and potassium caseinate. It […]

Stabyl Met

Copolymer of vinylimidazole and vinylpyrrolidone (PVI/PVP). It prevents oxidation, browning, pinking and formation of haze […]

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Claril HM

This fining agent benefits from the synergistic actions of activated chitosan and polyvinylimidazole/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVI/PVP) to […]

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Sil Floc

A stable pure silicon dioxide in aqueous solution. Sil Floc contains homogeneous, negatively-charged particles of […]

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A bentonite obtained by a special procedure. Its activation rate is designed to obtain a […]

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Bentolit Super

Powdered calcium bentonite sodium activated. Bentolit Super combines excellent clarification with good protein removal. When […]

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Finecoll is a granular isinglass which is soluble in cold water. It is useful for […]

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Goldenclar Instant

Goldenclar Instant is a high molecular-weight, granulated food-grade gelatin for the clarification of high-quality wine […]

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A pure, gluten-free potato protein, PLANTIS AF-P has the ability to remove catechins and short-chain-length […]

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Enartis S.r.l.

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28069 San Martino, Trecate NO

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Enartis S.r.l. – Società Unipersonale
Cap. Soc. Euro 1.000.000 | R.E.A. 245776 Novara
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Società soggetta all’attività di Direzione e Coordinamento
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