The Centre of Excellence for Research in Microbiology (CERM) was established in 2024 with the aim of enhancing research, development, and innovation standards in the field of enological biotechnology. This initiative is the result of a long-standing collaboration between Enartis and Italiana Biotecnologie Srl, a company also within the Esseco Group and a leading name in biotechnology research in Italy.
Enartis has always been synonymous with innovation and quality in the alcoholic beverage sector, particularly in wine. With a history of continuous commitment to research, Enartis invests in and promotes numerous R&D activities, developing solutions that meet the evolving needs of the global wine market.
CERM is dedicated to excellence in innovation, research, and the development of biotechnology products primarily used in enology.
The collaboration will focus mainly on the study of yeast (S. cerevisiae and non-Saccharomyces), yeast derivatives, activators, and nutrients, using cutting-edge disciplines and technology to explore new aspects in depth.
The goal is to thoroughly understand the behavior of these products under various operational conditions to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency in winemaking processes.
Italiana Biotecnologie, a research and innovation center in the field of biotechnology and part of the multinational Esseco Group, has always been a strategic partner of Enartis in the selection, characterization, production, and quality control of yeast.
Renowned for its scientific rigor and expertise, Italiana Biotecnologie brings its extensive experience in applied biotechnology to enology to the “Centre of Excellence for Research in Microbiology.”
The combination of these skills allows CERM to study, validate, and create biotechnology solutions that meet industry expectations and lead to the optimization of the entire process.
CERM represents qualitative and operational excellence and in-depth knowledge in the field of biotechnology. Many yeast and activators that Enartis, known for their efficiency and reliability, proudly bear the CERM mark of excellence. These products, developed with the support of advanced research by Italiana Biotecnologie, are widely recognized for their significant contribution to the improvement of winemaking processes and the quality of the final wine.
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