Proactive Protein Stabilization: Reducing Bentonite Additions and Improving Quality in White Wines - Enartis

Proactive Protein Stabilization: Reducing Bentonite Additions and Improving Quality in White Wines

In the last three decades, we have witnessed a general increase in protein instability levels in white wines all over the world. Enartis has outlined proactive practices winemakers can take for protein stabilization that will help maintain quality, reduce costs and increase sustainability. Find out the best way to reduce total bentonite additions and counteract the stripping effect of fining for unstable proteins. Join Enartis USA for a brief free 40 minute webinar on the following topics:

  • Factors Which Increase Protein Instability
  • Tools for Reducing Bentonite Additions
  • 15 Minute Question and Answer Session

Download the PowerPoint slides





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