Reactivate your soil: sustainable improvement of plant growth | Webinar

Reactivate your soil: sustainable improvement of plant growth

With sustainability an ever-increasing priority with farmers of today, innovative soil fertilizing products will become an indispensable tool to meet the challenges of modern-day agriculture, while simultaneously minimizing the impact of agricultural systems on the environment.

Enartis USA is excited to announce the BluVite vineyard product line now available for use in California.

BluVite is applied directly to soil and interacts with the existing microbial population, restoring the microbial fertility of agricultural soil and supporting plant’s ability to uptake nutrients and tolerance to environmental stresses. It improves plant growth and grape maturity, stabilizing the soil ecosystem in a sustainable manner, while increasing the quality and quantity of grapes produced.

Please join Enartis USA for an informational webinar “Reactivate Your Soil: Sustainable Improvement of Plant Growth” using BluVite! This brief, 40-minute presentation will include the following topics:

– Overview of BluVite technology and how it works with the soil microbiome
– Field Trials: Outline of results from 2018 California trials, including data for canopy and cluster development throughout the season and resulting wines
– Q&A: 15 to 20 minutes to ask questions of Enartis and BluAgri viticulturists and soil scientists web


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