Canned Wine Part 2: New Information on the Impact of SO2 for Canned Beverages

Canned format continues to grow in popularity as a new and fun way to package and consume wine. While this category is expected to become especially important with the increased demand for single serve options, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some important factors for winemakers to keep in mind when making wines destined for canning. Sulfites (SO2) have been the gold standard for microbial, oxidative and oxidasic protection for a long time, however recent research has shown that this very common preservative may be problematic for canned packaging. In part 2 of the canned wine webinar series, Enartis USA is teaming up with Cornell University to present new information on the impact of SO2 in canned beverages. In this brief one-hour webinar the following topics will be covered:
  • SO2 as a source of H2S in canned wine: the chemical what, how, when and we-don’t-know-yet
  • Low SO2 winemaking: considerations and tips for making low SO2 wines for canning
  • 20 minute Q&A session


PowerPoint Presentation



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