灌装阶段 - Enartis


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  • Tannin made of molecular fractions obtained through the selection and purification of gallic, ellagic and condensed tannins that are the most effective in terms of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
  • To be used during wine preparation for bottling as a natural and allergen-free replacement for SO2 to protect wine from oxidation and to prevent spoilage by unwanted microorganisms.
  • The combination of different tannins, in terms of composition and structure that are microbiostatic in nature against various pathogens, makes HIDEKI a suitable tool over a wide range of pH values.



  • Gum Arabic solution obtained from Acacia Verek. High molecular weight, highly branched structure.
  • Extremely effective in preventing precipitation of color substances in wine ready for bottling.
  • Improves the sensory characteristics of wine, increases mouthfeel and reduces astringency perception.

Recommendations: Color stability; volume and roundness; reduce astringency perception; improve foaming capacity; white, rosé, red and sparkling wines.


  • Solution of Gum Arabic extracted from Acacia Seyal with low calcium content and high hydrolysis.
  • Prevents precipitation of colloids, pigments and tartrates.
  • Improves wine balance and organoleptic features.
  • Enhances aroma, reduces bitterness and astringency perception and increases softness and body.
  • The most filterable gum on the market: No filter membrane clogging effect.

Recommendations: Tartrate stability; reduce astringency perception; soften mouthfeel; improve foaming capacity; white, rosé, red and sparkling wines.


  • Gum Arabic solution.
  • Stabilizes wine aromas, intensifies fruit aroma perception and maintains freshness over time after bottling.
  • When used at recommended dosages, it has a limited blocking effect on filtration membranes and can be added to wine before microfiltration.

Recommendations: Aromas stability; reduce astringency perception; soften mouthfeel; improve foaming capacity; white, rosé, red and sparkling wines.

AMT Plus Quality

Puro acido metatartarico prodotto da Enartis a partire da acido L-tartarico di grado alimentare. AMT Plus Quality interferisce sulla formazione e sull’accrescimento di cristalli di bitartrato di potassio e tartrato di calcio, prevenendone così la precipitazione in bottiglia. Grazie all’elevato indice di esterificazione (superiore a 38), assicura un’efficacia duratura e permette in molti casi di ridurre o di evitare il processo di stabilizzazione a freddo.

Applicazioni: stabilizzazione tartarica

Dosi: 10 g/hL

Confezioni: 1 kg – 25 kg

EnartisStab Cellogum LV20

  • Aqueous solution containing 20% low viscosity sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)
  • Stabilizes against tartrate precipitation over long-term. Inhibits the formation, growth and precipitation of potassium bitartrate crystals.
  • Low impact on wine filterability.

Recommendations: Tartrate stability; white, rosé and sparkling wines.


  • Solution of A-5D K/SD potassium polyaspartate (KPA) and sulfur dioxide. US Patent No. US 10,508,258 B2.
  • Highly effective for tartrate stabilization in white and rosé wines.
  • Completely filterable.
  • No sensory impact
  • Long-lasting stabilizing effect.
  • Environment sustainable, practical, easy to use and respectful of wine quality.

Recommendations: Tartrate stability; white, rosé and red wines.


  • Solution of A-5D K/SD potassium polyaspartate (KPA), Gum Arabic Verek and sulfur dioxide. US Patent No. US 10,508,258 B2.
  • Strongly effective for tartrate and color stabilization in red and rosé wines.
  • Completely filterable.
  • Long-lasting stabilizing effect.
  • Environment sustainable, practical, easy to use and respectful of wine quality.

Recommendations: Tartrate stability; color stability; red and rosé wines.


  • Solution of potassium polyaspartate (KPA), mannoproteins and sulfur dioxide.
  • Specifically designed to prevent potassium bitartrate precipitation in sparkling wine and improve perlage stability.
  • Does not modify wine sensory characteristics and filterability, even at low temperatures.
  • Environmentally sustainable, practical, easy-to-use and respectful of wine quality.


Sorbosol K

Preparation containing potassium sorbate, potassium metabisulfite and L-ascorbic acid. It can be used at the pre-bottling stage or during bulk wine storage to prevent oxidation and to control the growth of yeast that may cause the fermentation of wine containing residual sugar.


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