WINEGRID technology offers innovative and integrated solutions for remote and real-time monitoring during the entire winemaking process. The information obtained by sensors is analyzed and interpreted through advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) within a computational system. The information is then collected in a digitalized visualisation platform, the WINEGRID Dashboard, that allows for a secure and reliable overview of the situation at the winery at any time. Read more 


Allows winemakers to monitor the temperature, humidity and CO² levels in the winery, offering movement […]


Monitors temperature, distance to liquid, and detects sensor movements, optimizing the management of top-offs. Better […]


Designed for Charmat method, monitors temperature and pressure in tanks. Read more


Designed for Champenoise method, measures temperature, pressure and detects bottle movement. Read more


Measures temperature and density for better management of fermentation progress and yeast requirements. Read more


Measures temperature, liquid level and density during the fermentation process. Polycarbonate casing. Read more

Wineplus Premium

Measures temperature, liquid level and density during the fermentation process. Stainless steel casing with an […]

Enartis S.r.l.

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Enartis S.r.l. – Società Unipersonale
Cap. Soc. Euro 1.000.000 | R.E.A. 245776 Novara
C.F. – Part. IVA – Reg. Imprese Novara 02592820035
Società soggetta all’attività di Direzione e Coordinamento
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