Optimize wine’s aromatic expression – Chapter 1 | Neuigkeiten | Videos und Webinare

Optimize wine’s aromatic expression – Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1: Overview of biogenesis and chemistry of nor-isoprenoids. Marco Li Calzi, founder of Enolfactive, France

Please Join Enartis USA to learn about Nor-isoprenoid/C13 compounds and how their can be used as a criteria of aromatic quality in grapes and wines. Who doesn’t dream about maximizing the aromatic expression of their grapes? Vineyard management, picking decisions and winemaking practices can strongly impact the aromatic profile of grapes and wine quality. This 50 minute webinar will focus on:
– Overview of biogenesis and chemistry of nor-isoprenoids. Marco Li Calzi, founder of Enolfactive, France
– Why monitoring nor-isoprenoid development in grapes? Clint Nelson, viticulturist at Beckstoffer Vineyards, USA
– Maximizing nor-isoprenoids expression in winemaking. Eglantine Chauffour, technical marketing supervisor at Enartis USA.




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