Wine Turbolence 3 candles
Intelligent system for rational gas management in beverage production with 3 dosage chambers and 3 parallel diffusers.
Wine Turbulence is a gas management unit that is based on the addition or removal of a gas by injecting a complementary one. This injection must be done in a continuous and consistent way in order to guarantee better effectiveness or dissolution. The dosage system is based on the addition via three porous diffusers positioned in line of the flow. The three diffusers allow for a better distribution of the dose and system flexibility, since for lower doses, one part of the injectors can be temporarily removed and the relative chamber can be closed with the designated obturation systems.
Main features:
- N.3 Dosage chambers
The dosage chambers guarantee a continuous supply, a more accurate dosage and a better performance for the whole system.
- N.3 Parallel diffusers
The three diffusers can work in different ways, as the system can manage multiple injection methods according to the instantaneous flow and desired dosage. This allows for a better dissolution and reduces the formation of gas pockets.