处理和治疗氧化 - Enartis

Claril ZW

Claril ZW is designed for the clarification of white and rosé wines that are meant to be tartrate stabilized with colloid addition (Zenith and CMC). It is effective in improving protein stability and eliminating unstable colloids that can affect wine clarification and filterability.


PLANTIS PQ is an allergen free and vegan friendly fining agent made of potato protein and chitosan. It is effective in improving wine clarification, filterability, aromatic cleanliness and in removing oxidized and oxidable compounds. In red wine, it reduces the perception of astringency and dryness while respecting balance and structure.


A pure polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, Stabyl is highly effective in removing oxidized and oxidizable polyphenols. It is recommended to prevent and treat oxidation in all types of wine. Stabyl can also be successfully used to reduce bitterness.

Stabyl G

Pure polyvinylpolypyrrolidone in granular form for the prevention and treatment of oxidation. The granular form avoids the formation of dust and helps the dispersion in water, without forming lumps.

Combistab AF

A complex containing PVPP and pea protein. It is highly effective in the prevention and treatment of oxidation, pinking and the reduction of bitterness. Suitable for both wine and juice clarification. It can be used as an allergen-free alternative to potassium caseinate.


  • Allergen-free preparation made of pea protein and activated
  • Activated chitosan and hydrolyzed vegetable protein work synergistically to increase flocculant efficacy in improving
  • Assures clarification while forming small, compact lees, especially when used during
  • Improves juice and wine resistance to oxidation by removing pro-oxidant metals and low molecular weight
  • Helps preserve young color, increases aromatic cleanliness and freshness, reduces bitterness and astringency, and increases wine longevity.

Enoblack Perlage®

Compact pellet form decolorizing carbon, Enoblack Perlage® is for must and wine discoloration. The pellet form makes it easy to use and to rehydrate without dust.


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