Modern Wine Maturation Methods: Utilizing Oxygen and Oak Alternatives in Your Aging Program - Enartis

Modern Wine Maturation Methods: Utilizing Oxygen and Oak Alternatives in Your Aging Program

Oak barrels have traditionally been considered the gold standard for aging, however many winemakers encounter issues with storage, sanitation, sampling, and quality control.


In use for over 30 years in the wine industry, micro-oxygenation continues to grow as an integral component utilized in winemaking facilities to overcome these challenges. As winemaking facilities increasingly install additional stainless steel tanks for aging larger volumes of wine, micro-oxygenation provides a cost effective way to scale the maturation process, without the need to invest in costly barrel storage.


Successfully incorporating micro-oxygenation and oak alternatives into winemaking protocols can enhance sensory characteristics, soften aggressive tannins, and increase body and palate length while remaining aligned to brand pricing strategy.


As your winery looks to expand production volumes, reduce maturation costs, or achieve greater consistency in your wines, we invite you to join Enartis USA for an interactive 60 minute webinar.


This webinar will include the following topics:

  • Best practices and use of oak alternatives during maturation
  • WIN-IQ: a smart system for advanced micro-ox application
  • Wine Grenade: opening the doors for micro-ox for small to large producers


PowerPoint Presentation




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