Webinar - Pagina 3 di 6 - Enartis

Driving Chardonnay Wine Style

Chardonnay is one the most versatile and popular varieties in the world. From the flinty, mineral wines of Chablis to the opulent, rich and buttery California styles, Chardonnay is a reflection of cultural and climatic influence. Today, we have many tools available to direct this typically neutral varietal to its full potential. This webinar will explore varying techniques for driving Chardonnay wine style as well as the Enartis yeast and malolactic bacteria range for Chardonnay.


Please join Enartis USA for this webinar which will cover the following topics:

  • Chardonnay Wine Styles
  • Vinification and Processing Strategies
  • Chardonnay Yeast Selection
  • Malolactic Fermentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Driving Chardonnay Style: Classic California Chardonnay

Driving Chardonnay Style: Increasing Minerality


Rapid Clarification: Tips and Tools for Clarifying Juice and Wine During Harvest

Juice clarification is an important step in winemaking because high quantities of solids can drastically impact wine quality. To control turbidity levels in juice, winemakers typically settle or float juice to remove solids. The process of juice clarification can be frustrating if winemakers do not have the tools and information necessary to handle difficult-to-clarify juices. However, the process can also be simple and easy with the right tools and information.


Please join Enartis USA for this brief, informational webinar which will cover the following topics:

  • Fining with plant proteins for vegan-friendly wines
  • Enzyme impact on clarification
  • Strategies for improving clarification by flotation


PowerPoint Presentation


Newsletter: Improving Flotation Efficiency with Enological Tools



Microbial control from crush to malolactic fermentation

This webinar aims to provide scientific and practical information for helping winemakers to evaluate if their microbial control strategy in place for the harvest period is correct or can be improved.

Wine microorganisms: opportunities, threats and control
Paola DOMIZIO – PhD Assistant Professor at University of Florence, Italy

Microbial Control with Chitosan During Harvest
Lauren BARRETT – Winemaking Specialist Enartis USA

Path to Quality: Microbial Control Protocols
Gianni TRIULZI – Research and Development Manager Enartis


Canned Wine Part 2: New Information on the Impact of SO2 for Canned Beverages

Canned format continues to grow in popularity as a new and fun way to package and consume wine. While this category is expected to become especially important with the increased demand for single serve options, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some important factors for winemakers to keep in mind when making wines destined for canning. Sulfites (SO2) have been the gold standard for microbial, oxidative and oxidasic protection for a long time, however recent research has shown that this very common preservative may be problematic for canned packaging. In part 2 of the canned wine webinar series, Enartis USA is teaming up with Cornell University to present new information on the impact of SO2 in canned beverages. In this brief one-hour webinar the following topics will be covered:
  • SO2 as a source of H2S in canned wine: the chemical what, how, when and we-don’t-know-yet
  • Low SO2 winemaking: considerations and tips for making low SO2 wines for canning
  • 20 minute Q&A session


PowerPoint Presentation


Seminario Assoenologi Sardegna: stabilizzazione tartarica con colloidi

In questo seminario approfondiremo in maniera dettagliata il tema stabilizzazione, fornendo soluzioni pratiche, competitive e sicure per le cantine.

La stabilizzazione è una fase cruciale nel processo di produzione enologica. I vini immessi nel mercato devono mantenere intatte le loro caratteristiche fino al consumo, obiettivo oggi sempre più importante considerata la globalità del mercato enologico. Tale traguardo deve inoltre essere perseguito facendo attenzione alla sostenibilità ambientale ed economica del processo di vinificazione. Queste considerazioni hanno portato i responsabili di molte aziende ad analizzare attentamente le pratiche fino ad oggi utilizzate e valutare con favore le nuove opportunità che si sono presentate negli ultimi anni.


How are winemakers coping with COVID-19? Perspectives from the Enartis Global Community

It’s safe to say none of us have lived through a pandemic. At Enartis, one of our greatest strengths is our global network. We invite you to spend some time with our community and hear how our colleagues and winemakers in China and Italy are dealing with their current situation. Our Soil Scientist will share what he is experiencing in the vineyard. We will also check in with New Zealand, Australia and South Africa to hear how winemakers are actively managing their harvest operations during this difficult time. And finally, we have invited a Virologist to provide her perspective.


Our hope is that, come harvest, our lives will be back to normal. But in the meantime, we can learn from each other, expand our community and make plans for the future. We hope you will join us.


02. Fining products for plant-based wines

This is the second part of a webinar focused on fining products for plant-based an wines.
We talk about Enartis selective fining products:

•  Revelarom
•  Fenol Free
•  EnartisStab Micro M
•  Stabyl Met
•  Claril HM
•  Combistab AF
•  Claril QY

01. Fining products for plant-based wines

This video is the first part of a webinar focused on fining products for plant-based wines.
We are talking about these following topics:

  • Current market trend and regulation.
  • Enartis proposal for plant-based wines.
  • New Enartis fining products for clarification and stabilisation: Claril ZW – Claril ZR.
  • Plantis Range. Use and sensory effects on white wine and red wine.


04. Social network nel vino: Facebook e Instagram

Il mondo dei social network, Facebook e Instagram, nello specifico, è il focus su cui verte la nostra quarta lezione. Approfondiamo insieme i seguenti aspetti:

  • come si crea correttamente un profilo;
  • quali sono le regole della gestione della propria pagina social;
  • quali risultati si possono ottenere grazie ai social;
  • come comunicare online;
  • cosa fare e cosa non fare quando si usa un social network in modo professionale;
  • come funziona la pubblicità a pagamento;
  • esempi di casi studio di successo.

In collaborazione con Wine Marketing Italia.


03. Wine packaging strategico

La terza lezione è dedicata al wine packaging, sia esso di bottiglie o cartoni. Nel dettaglio parleremo di:

  • interazione del design delle bottiglie di vino nel processo di acquisto dei consumatori;
  • etichetta vista come strumento strategico di marketing;
  • scelta e misura degli imballi;
  • funzione del packaging in edizione limitata;
  • esempi di casi studio di successo.


In collaborazione con Wine Marketing Italia.



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