Practical use of Micro-Oxygenation in Winemaking: A Discussion - Enartis

Practical use of Micro-Oxygenation in Winemaking: A Discussion

There are many opportunities for winemakers to beneficially utilize oxygen treatment during the winemaking process. Join us in a discussion about the various application periods and the many ways we can leverage the benefits of incorporating oxygen into production protocols.


From fermentation through bottling, oxygen plays many critical roles in ensuring yeast health while mitigating the formation of reductive aromas. Oxygen is also required for long term color stabilization reactions and tannin polymerization reactions that occur during maturation with oak.


These interactions can be leveraged by winemakers to modulate wine characteristics by softening tannins, improving mouthfeel, masking green character and integrating oak.


We will also look at how micro-oxygenation is used by other facilities, as well as global insight. Finally, we will open the floor to questions and discussion for how MOX is utilized in your facility.


Presentation Slides



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