Composed of highly reactive tannins that limit oxidation and the activity of oxidative enzymes. In case of grapes affected by Botrytis cinerea, EnartisTan Antibotrytis reduces the action of the oxidase (laccase) produced by the parasitic fungus. In case of cold-soak, EnartisTan Antibotrytis prevents loss of quality due to the oxidation of anthocyanins, the molecules responsible for the color of red grapes, and aromatic compounds. In the treatment of healthy grapes, EnartisTan Antibotrytis has an antioxidant effect that is synergistic with SO2.
- Applications: moldy grapes; antioxidant protection of aromatic and color compounds
- Dosage: 3-20 g/hL in must; 2-10 g/hL in wine
- Packaging: 1 kg - 10 kg