How and Why Remote and Real Time Monitoring Technologies can help Winemakers

During vinification it is critically important to monitor certain parameters. However, such monitoring is time and resource intensive, requiring expensive investments in advanced equipment and skilled personnel. Manual, sparse and timed collection of data also means that the data gathered can neither be used for real time corrective actions nor integrated with AI tools to provide a proactive approach with predictive information.


Moreover, the current situation with the Pandemic also shows that the digitization processes in companies, that were kept waiting for the right time, must be accelerated. During this 60-minute webinar we want to share experiences and information on these topics, with three different perspectives to address. Rogério Nogueira (PhD), CEO of WINEGRID, will share why it is important to monitor liquids in general and must/wine in particular from his point of view as an entrepreneur and founder of a technology-based company that develops monitoring systems. Sergio Pereira, CIO of Esporão, will share his view on Digital Transformation in Winemaking as a Leader on his company on the subject. Miguel Pedroza (PhD), Assistant Professor at California State University, Fresno will share his perspective regarding the impact of reliable and precise sensoring on winemaking processes as an enologist and researcher.


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