It’s time to get your face out there!

Over the years, Enartis has seen increasing value given to its newsletters and technical content. Today, we ask you to become the face.

Send us a picture of your winery or vineyard portraying you or a member of your staff.

Enartis will choose the 18 most creative photos and use them throughout next year to promote newsletters on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages and our website

Complete the form below to register for the contest and upload your picture in the dedicated field.
You can enroll until November 30
th, 2019.
Keep in mind that the photo can not contain any trademarks.

What are you waiting for? Join our contest!

    Join our contest

    Max size 3Mb (gif/jpg/jpeg/png)

    * Mandatory fields

    Enartis S.r.l.

    Via San Cassiano, 99
    28069 San Martino, Trecate NO

    Tel +39 0321 790 300 | Fax +39 0321 790 347

    Enartis S.r.l. – Società Unipersonale
    Cap. Soc. Euro 1.000.000 | R.E.A. 245776 Novara
    C.F. – Part. IVA – Reg. Imprese Novara 02592820035
    Società soggetta all’attività di Direzione e Coordinamento
    di Esseco Group s.r.l. C.F. 00989420039

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      Technical articles and tips, videos, events, news from the market and from the Enartis Team. Stay in touch and get the Enartis newsletter. Each month. Always quality content. Always free.


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