Specific treatments

Potassium Bicarbonate

Deacidifying agent for wines and musts.

  • Allergen free
  • Authorized bio
  • Kosher
  • Vegan

Tartaric Acid

Acidifying agent for wines and musts.

  • Allergen free
  • Authorized bio
  • Kosher
  • Vegan

DL-malic acid

Acido DL-malico di sintesi (acido malico racemico) per l'acidificazione di mosti e vini.

  • Allergen free
  • Vegan

Disacidificante Bianconeve

Blend of potassium bicarbonate and neutral potassium tartrate designed to reduce the acidity of over acid wines, making them smoother and more pleasant to the taste.

  • Allergen free
  • Authorized bio
  • Vegan

Enartis S.r.l.

Via San Cassiano, 99
28069 San Martino, Trecate NO

Tel +39 0321 790 300 | Fax +39 0321 790 347

Enartis S.r.l. – Società Unipersonale
Cap. Soc. Euro 1.000.000 | R.E.A. 245776 Novara
C.F. – Part. IVA – Reg. Imprese Novara 02592820035
Società soggetta all’attività di Direzione e Coordinamento
di Esseco Group s.r.l. C.F. 00989420039

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