Fining | Enartis


Fining agents in winemaking can be used for many purposes, including clarification and filterability improvement, prevention of haze and sediment formation, color adjustment, and the removal of undesirable elements, aromas and flavors from wine. Each fining agent has specific properties and reacts with various wine constituents depending on its chemical properties, density of charge and molecular weight. Enartis offers a wide range of products that, in addition to classic protein and inorganic fining agents, includes specific formulations for must clarification and flotation, fining agents for the selective removal of unwanted compounds and Plantis, a line of fining agents free of animal proteins, suitable for vegetarian and vegan wines.


Enological activated carbon highly effective in decolorizing and removing oxidated compounds in must and wines. […]


High quality vegetal carbon that improves the aromatic cleanliness in wine by removing off-flavors from […]


Fining adjuvant for white and rosé must. Its composition of plant proteins with high efficacy […]

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Claril SMK

New vegan fining agent developed to mitigate the impact of smoke exposure in all types […]

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Claril ZR

Claril ZR is designed for the clarification of red wines meant to be tartrate stabilized […]

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Claril ZW

Claril ZW is designed for the clarification of white and rosé wines that are meant […]

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PLANTIS PQ is an allergen free and vegan friendly fining agent made of potato protein […]

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A pure polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, Stabyl is highly effective in removing oxidized and oxidizable polyphenols. It is […]

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Neoclar AF

A blend of bentonite, gelatin and activated carbon, it can be used to treat white, […]

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Claril QY

Allergen and animal-free fining agent, Claril QY is a complex made of yeast derivative and […]

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Stabyl Met

Copolymer of vinylimidazole and vinylpyrrolidone (PVI/PVP). It prevents oxidation, browning, pinking and formation of haze […]

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Stabyl G

Pure polyvinylpolypyrrolidone in granular form for the prevention and treatment of oxidation. The granular form […]

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Granulated fining mixture containing copper, to be used for correcting and preventing appearance of sulfides […]

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Fenol Free

This activated carbon is extremely effective in the correction of wines which present evident defects […]

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This fining agent benefits from the synergistic actions of activated chitosan and polyvinylimidazole/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVI/PVP) to […]

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Enoblack PF

Enological activated carbon in damp form. Highly effective in decolorizing wines and juice and in […]

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Sil Floc

A stable pure silicon dioxide in aqueous solution. Sil Floc contains homogeneous, negatively-charged particles of […]

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A bentonite obtained by a special procedure. Its activation rate is designed to obtain a […]

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Pulviclar S

Pulviclar S is an ultra-pure, food grade, warm soluble, granulated gelatin characterized by high molecular […]

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Goldenclar Instant

Goldenclar Instant is a high molecular-weight, granulated food-grade gelatin for the clarification of high-quality wine […]

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Hydroclar 45

A 45% liquid solution of food grade gelatin. This extremely hydrolyzed gelatin has a powerful […]

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Atoclar M

An atomized food grade gelatin easily soluble in cold water. It is ideal for softening […]

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A blend containing bentonite, PVPP and pea protein. Claril AF is recommended for the elimination […]

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Combistab AF

A complex containing PVPP and pea protein. It is highly effective in the prevention and […]

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EnartisGreen Gelatina

Pure hot soluble gelatin, certified organic in accordance with European Regulation [Reg. (EC) N° 843/2007 […]

  • Organic certified

Plantis AF-P

A pure, gluten-free potato protein, Plantis AF-P has the ability to remove catechins and short-chain-length […]

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Allergen-free preparation made of pea protein and activated Activated chitosan and hydrolyzed vegetable protein work […]

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Plantis AF

A pure, allergen-free pea protein. Plantis AF allows juice and wine clarification while producing a […]

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Enoblack Perlage®

Compact pellet form decolorizing carbon, Enoblack Perlage® is for must and wine discoloration. The pellet […]

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  • Vegan


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